
in vain是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

in vain

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adv.unsuccessfully,uselessly,hopelessly,for nothing,to no avail



na.1.without success2.in a way that has no purpose or meaning

1.徒劳 in turn 依次,轮流;转而 in vain 徒劳,白费力 instead of 代替,而不是 ...

2.徒然 (1) 独,仅仅[ only] (3) 徒然,枉然[ in vain] (5) 服徭役的人[ slave] ...

3.白白地 in a word 总之 in vain 无益地, 白白地 in case 如果,万一,以防 ...

4.无效 in turn 依次,轮流 in vain 徒劳,无效 a variety of 种种,各种 ...

5.白费力 in turn 依次,轮流;转而 in vain 徒劳,白费力 instead of 代替,而不是 ...

6.徒劳地 Linger 逗留,徘徊 In vain 徒劳地 Stumble 绊脚 ...

7.无益地 in a word 总之 in vain 无益地, 白白地 in case 如果,万一,以防 ...


1.Now grown up, for you; I am strong, and for you; I changed for you. I know it is all in vain!现在长大了,为你;我坚强了,为你;我改变着,为你。只是我知道这一切都是徒然!

2.Let me not grope in vain in the dark but keep my mind still in the faith that the day will break and truth will appear in its simplicity.我不要在黑暗里徒然摸索,却该使头脑冷静地深信白天必将降临,真理也将出现在

3.You must not come back, or else how can you leave me one? But there was no you, no matter how much happiness is all in vain.你一定是不回来了,要不你怎么会留下我一个呢?可是没有你,再多的幸福也是枉然。

4.Day after day he waited in vain for her to telephone him.日复一日,他徒劳地等待着她的电话。

5.All our efforts to persuade the old man to leave the dangerous house were in vain.我们极力劝说那位老人离开那栋危房,老人就是不听。

6.We have been waiting for her to come back to see us, but (we have been waiting) in vain.我们一直在等她回来看望我们,但我们白等了。【高考链接】

7.A Ghanaian family took him in temporarily, and Kwasi waited in vain to hear from his aunt.一个加纳家庭暂时收留了他。夸西等待姨母的消息,可杳无音信。

8.The two halves on the Korean Peninsula have been trying to get reunited for several decades yet in vain.半个多世纪以来,朝鲜半岛南、北两国都宣称致力于朝鲜民族统一,但至今未果。

9.I spent so much time on her, but it was all in vain.我在她身上花了那麽多时间,但是完全白费了。

10.Nowadays, you go around like this but it is certain to be refused everywhere. It is in vain for you to hold a great ambition.以你目前这个模样,却想到处传播你的儒学思想,肯定是处处碰壁,徒有满腔热情也是枉然的。